News, Eventi, Mostre

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Progetto di servizio civile IIPP finanziato dalla Regione Toscana

Con decreto 1980/2015 è stata disposta la proroga della scadenza dei termini per la presentazione delle domande per partecipare alla selezione di 708 giovani per progetti di servizio civile regionale per l’attuazione del PON YEI 2014/2015 nella Regione Toscana, di cui al decreto 1208/2015 I giovani quindi potranno presentare domanda, nelle modalità indicate con decreto […]

Université de Bordeaux: two year Junior chair position

International Call for highly qualified junior scientists 2015. The LaScArBx Cluster of excellence seeks application for a Junior Chair (equivalent to Research Professor), to start Septemer 1st, 2015, for a maximum period of 30 months. This Junior Chair position is allocated to the UMR 5199 PACEA’s sub-department of Prehistory, Paleoenvironment, and Cultural Heritage (PPP).  Applicants […]

Post Doctoral Position in Organic Residue Analysis

Post-Doctoral Position at the University of Tübingen Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Prehistory, Protohistory and Medieval Archaeology The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Tübingen invites applications for the position of a Post-Doctoral Researcher, specialising in the field of organic residue analysis. The chosen candidate will be part of a team of archaeologists and […]

Prix de thèse 2015 du G.M.P.C.A. – Appel à Candidature

Le Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l´Archéologie (GMPCA) attribue, tous les deux ans, deux prix maximum (*) d´un montant de 1000€ aux meilleurs mémoires de thèse en langue française ou anglaise, concernant des travaux originaux en archéométrie dans l´un des différents domaines scientifiques contribuant à l´archéologie. Ces prix (*) sont usuellement remis au(x) lauréat(s) […]

University Cologne: Job Offering

Job Offering for an “Archaeological Field Technician”, University Cologne (Germany) The University of Cologne seeks an applicant who is able to logistically prepare and conduct archaeological and geoarchaeological/geological fieldwork independently, and in coordination with accompanying  archaeological and geological research-teams.

Bando per le start up innovative

Sul portale della Regione Lazio  è stato pubblicato il bando per le start up innovative, con possibilità di finanziamenti a fondo perduto; fra gli ambiti previsti c’è il patrimonio culturale e tecnologie della cultura.

Master di II livello in Archeologia preventiva

Pubblicato il bando di ammissione al Master di II° livello in Archeologia preventiva, a.a. 2014-2015 Università degli Studi di Siena, sede di Grosseto. Scadenza 5/12/2014. Per maggiori informazioni:

Call for 2 postdoctoral full time positions (2015 – 2016)

The LSIS and the CCJ laboratories, in collaboration with the MAP laboratory, are launching a joint call for applications for two postdoctoral full time positions (one in Geometric Modeling, Computing & Mathematics and one in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History) to join our research on the development of innovative methodologies for the semantic description, analysis […]

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