The comprehension of the mechanism behind the climate crisis and its effects on the environment, economy, and society is becoming crucial these days. To better understand and interpret this phenomenon, it is essential to investigate the man-environment relationship since the ancient prehistoric times by verifying how the earliest communities interacted with their ecosystem and […]
III IAPP – ANNUAL MEETING OF PREHISTORY AND PROTOHISTORY “Small pits, digs, holes, silos…” Neolithic small dug-out structures: research methods and interpretative issues Scientific Committee: Carlo Lugliè, Alain Beeching, Italo Maria Muntoni. IIPP c/o The National Archaeological Museum, Florence, May 8-9 2017 The deadline for the submission of both talks and posters proposals is […]
II Incontro Annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria
Roma, Venerdì 27 gennaio 2017, 9,00 – 19,00
Rome, Friday 27 January 2017, 9,00 – 19,00
“Le età del Bronzo e del Ferro in Italia: contesti protostorici in scavi urbani”
“The Bronze and Iron Ages in Italy: protohistoric contexts in urban excavations”
promosso da
Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria
Museo delle Civiltà – Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico “Luigi Pigorini”
Processi di ricontestualizzazione di “vecchi” scavi archeologici: esperienze, problemi, prospettive GIORNATA DI STUDI Pavia, Collegio Ghislieri 15-16 gennaio 2015 Program
Programma Locandina Iscrizione – Registration Booking-Form