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Ministère de la Culture Allocations de formation et de recherche 2018

We receive and report

Chères Collègues et chers Collègues,

L’appel à candidatures pour l’obtention de l’allocation du Ministère de la Culture est sorti.

Vous trouverez l’annonce à l’adresse suivante :

IV Annual Meeting of Prehistory and Protohistory – Application of emerging technologies to Italian Palaeolithic and Mesolithic case-studies

IV Annual Meeting of Prehistory and Protohistory, Ferrara (Italy), 7-8 February 2018
Application of emerging technologies to Italian Palaeolithic and Mesolithic case-studies

Scientific Committee: Marta Arzarello, Federica Fontana, Marco Peresani, Carlo Peretto, Ursula Thun Hohenstein
Location: University of Ferrara, Aula Magna di Economia, Via Voltapaletto 11 – Ferrara

The deadline for the submission of both talks and posters proposals is November 30, 2017 mail


Stage de fouilles sur le site du Paléolithique moyen et supérieur des Bossats – Ormesson

Stage de fouilles (août-septembre 2017) sur le site du Paléolithique moyen et supérieur des Bossats – Ormesson Le gisement paléolithique d’Ormesson (Seine-et-Marne) est fouillé depuis 2009. Situé au sein de loess, le niveau d’occupation gravettien connu sur une surface d’environ 60 m2 a livré d’ores et déjà plusieurs milliers de silex taillés attribués au Gravettien […]

Post-doc positions at Max Planck Institute

We are glad to forward the call sent by Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin:

Dear colleague,

The Department of Human Evolution at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany is seeking applicants for the following three post-doctoral research positions:

– A geoarchaeologist. Deadline: 31st March 2017

– A specialist in isotopic studies, with a particular focus on paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Deadline: 1st April 2017

– A paleoanthropologst. Deadline: 15th April 2017

For detailed information on the positions and to apply please visit our website –

With kind regards,

Jean-Jacques Hublin

III IAPP – “Small pits, digs, holes, silos…”

III IAPP –  ANNUAL MEETING OF PREHISTORY AND PROTOHISTORY “Small pits, digs, holes, silos…” Neolithic small dug-out structures: research methods and interpretative issues   Scientific Committee: Carlo Lugliè, Alain Beeching, Italo Maria Muntoni. IIPP c/o The National Archaeological Museum, Florence, May 8-9  2017 The deadline for the submission of both talks and posters proposals is […]

II IAPP – Contesti protostorici in scavi urbani

II Incontro Annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria

Roma, Venerdì 27 gennaio 2017, 9,00 – 19,00
Rome, Friday 27 January 2017, 9,00 – 19,00
Le età del Bronzo e del Ferro in Italia: contesti protostorici in scavi urbani”
“The Bronze and Iron Ages in Italy: protohistoric contexts in urban excavations

promosso da
Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria
Museo delle Civiltà – Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico “Luigi Pigorini”

Borsa di studio IIPP “Archeologia nel deserto” – graduatoria

La commissione di valutazione dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria ha indicato la graduatoria dei primi tre classificati in merito al bando per una borsa di studio per il progetto MIUR “Archeologia nel deserto“: 1 – Christian Metta (vincitore) 2 – Antonietta Del Bove 3 – Eliana Catelli

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