News, Eventi, Mostre

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Soils as records of Past and Present: the geoarchaeological approach

6-7 November 2019 – Bruges
In the last few decades, soil science has contributed greatly to the discussion on climatic and environmental changes, as well as to various topics of human impact on landscape and environment. Nowadays, vast amounts of soil data are collected in a large range of study fields.
In many countries soil studies are systematically integrated into archaeological investigations. Moreover, in some countries this methodology is legally required research protocol, as for
example in Belgium since 2016. This geoarchaeological approach enables the better understanding and anticipation of complex and fragile interactions between societies and their environments.
The meeting aims to address these complex issues and demonstrate how they are handled and unravelled through past and current interdisciplinary research.

Please send your intention to participate by filling in the inscription form

and any comments or questions to the email address:


Transmission during Protohistory

The 5th Doctoral Meeting of the European School of Protohistory of Bibracte will be held on March 11 and 13, 2019, at the European Archaeological Center of Bibracte (Burgundy, France).
These Meetings aim to bring together PhD students and young Doctors working on common issues concerning the Bronze and Iron Ages across Europe.
For this year’s meeting, participants are invited to present their research on the following theme: Transmission during Protohistory
Contributions can be made in the form of oral presentations (max. 20 minutes) or posters.
Contributions will be selected by the Scientific and the Organizing Committee of the EEPB.
Proposals must be submitted before November 18, 2018.

Call for papers

Perspectives on mobility from African archaeology

Invito di Christopher Prescott (The Norwegian Institute in Rome), Per Ditlef Fredriksen (University of Oslo) e Marina Gallinaro (La Sapienza Università di Roma) Evening Seminar: Perspectives on mobility from African archaeology Data: 15/10/2018 – 17:00 Sede: The Norwegian Institute, Viale Trenta Aprile 33, Roma Mobility is a key topic in the archaeological and anthropological studies. […]

VI IAPP – Focolari, forni e fornaci tra Neolitico ed età del Ferro

VI Incontro Annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria
Comprendere le attività domestiche e artigianali attraverso lo studio delle installazioni pirotecnologiche e dei residui di combustione

Bologna, 29 marzo 2019

I circolare

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