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Gender stereotypes in Archaeology

Gender stereotypes in Archaeology. A short reflection in image and text

Edited by Laura Coltofean-Arizancu, Bisserka Gaydarska & Uroš Matić
Sidestone Press, 2021
ISBN: 9789464260250, 64 pp., Language: English, 35 illus. B/W

Were men the only hunters and producers of tools, art and innovation in prehistory? Were women the only gatherers, home-bound breeders and caregivers? Are all prehistoric female depictions mother goddesses? And do women and men have equal career chances in archaeology? To put it short, no. However, these are some of the gender stereotypes that we still encounter on a daily basis in archaeology from the way archaeologists interpret the past and present it to the general public to how they practice it as a profession.

This booklet is a short but informative and critical response by archaeologists to various gender stereotypes that exist in the archaeological explanation of the past, as well as in the contemporary disciplinary practice.


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