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Master in Preistoria europea a Newcastle


The School of Historical Studies at Newcastle University (UK)
is delighted to announce the launch of a new Masters degree in Later European Prehistory
to start in Autumn 2012. This degree will mainly focus on the Neolithic,
Copper and Bronze Age archaeology of Europe including the British Isles, but
will also include some Mesolithic and Iron Age archaeology.
Further details including costs, funding opportunities, language entry requirements, and how to apply can be found here

It is organised around five core modules: 1. Prehistoric Architecture: Houses, Monuments and
Beyond (Dr J. Harding); 2. Bodies in Later Prehistoric Europe (Dr C.
Fowler); 3. Ancient Technologies: Understanding Metalwork (Dr A. Dolfini);
Research Themes, Theories and Skills in Archaeology (team taught);
Dissertation (supervised by relevant specialist).
These are complemented by a further module chosen from among a wide range of
archaeology subjects taught at Masters level, a European language, or other
relevant topics and skills (e.g. GIS).
This degree is in addition to the existing suite of MA archaeology
programmes currently on offer – for details of the other programmes see:
Best regards,

The Newcastle Archaeology Team

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