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International Conference
MesoLife. A Mesolithic perspective on Alpine and neighbouring territories
11th to 14th June 2014, Selva di Cadore (Belluno, Italy)
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The official conference language is English. You can find detailed information about registration, participation fees, abstract submission, conference program, venue and post-conference field trips at ourwebsite MesoLife. For any other information please contact us at the following email address:
We are glad to receive abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Deadline:15th January 2014
The conference is addressed to researchers working on the Mesolithic, especially in the area extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and the Danube Basin, with the Alps representing its core region. The aim is to highlight adaptation dynamics to different environments both from synchronic and diachronic viewpoints, and to investigate the role played by the Alpine chain in favouring and unfavouring contacts and cultural exchanges.
Conference sessions are going to focus on peculiar aspects of Mesolithic lifeways:
1. Holocene landscapes
2. Subsistence strategies
3. Lithic, bone and other technologies
4. I vs. II Mesolithic
5. Settlement dynamics
6. Mesolithic territories

The MesoLife organizing committee
Federica Fontana – University of Ferrara
DavideVisentin – University of Ferrara
Ursula Wierer – University of Siena

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