Barcelona, 6-8 November, 2019
The call for abstracts is open from October 1, 2018 to May 15, 2019. We positively welcome multidisciplinary approaches, regional syntheses and/or contextualised case studies. For more details, please check the conference website:
The origin of the Neolithic and inherent economic, social and ideological changes, as well as their expansion worldwide is one of the most significant events in the history of humankind. The Neolithic constitutes a key theme in Prehistory and Archaeology, as it witnessed the development and consolidation of new social and cultural communities and the decline of the hunter-gatherer way of life.
For this reason, the Unit ‘Archaeology of Social Dynamics’, hosted in the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC-IMF, Barcelona), in collaboration with the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, has organized the 1st Conference on the EARLY NEOLITHIC of EUROPE (Barcelona, 6-8 November, 2019). This conference aims to be a meeting of researchers studying the early Neolithic in Europe and surroundings areas, in relation with the neolithisation process in the continent. This process followed different rhythms and presented singularities in each geographic area, and was therefore a very complex phenomenon. In order to address this scientific challenge, the conference is organised in nine thematic sessions:
1. Neolithic spread and supraregional interactions, chaired by Catherine Perlès (Université Paris Nanterre);
2. Chronology and modelling, chaired by Stephen Shennan (University College London);
3. Human–environment interaction, chaired by Jean-François Berger (Université Lumière Lyon);
4. Population characteristics and dynamics, chaired by Mattias Jakobsson (Uppsala Universitet);
5. Territory and settlement, chaired by Daniela Hofmann (University of Hamburg);
6. Subsistence, chaired by Amy Bogaard (University of Oxford);
7. Technological processes, chaired by Annelou van Gijn (Universiteit Leiden);
8. Funerary practices, chaired by Christian Jeunesse (Université de Strasbourg);
9. Symbolism, chaired by Goce Naumov (University Goce Delcev).