The “Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l´Archéologie” (GMPCA) awards two prizes maximum (*) of €1000 each every two years to the best PhD theses written in French or in English relating to original work in archaeometry, in any of the different scientific fields contributing to archaeology. These prizes (*) are usually given to the winner(s) at the time of the GMPCA´s biennial conference.
The Archéométrie 2015 meeting will take place in Besançon (France) from 27 to 30 April 2015, organized by the “UMR Chrono-Environnement du CNRS-Université de Franche-Comté (UFC)” and the “Laboratoire Métallurgies et Cultures de l’Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM)”.
This prize is opened to all researchers under 40 years of age who do not hold a full time academic position or a permanent contract. The applicants for the GMPCA prize must have written and defended a thesis in French or in English in a university within the European Union and have been awarded a doctorate between January 1st 2013 and December 31th 2014. Candidates cannot apply twice.
The candidate´s file must be comprised of:
1- a printed copy of the thesis,
2- a three page (max.) précis of the PhD project´s methodology, results and future implications and applications,
3- an appendix indicating the title of the PhD, the date and the university, and the composition of the jury,
4- postal and electronic addresses,
5- abstract and/or full text consultation web addresses, if available.
The prize winner(s) is (are) committed to submitting an article within an reasonable delay to the journal ArcheoSciences.
You can download the 2015 GMPCA prize announcement in pdf format.
We expressly invite candidates to declare themselves by email with available documents enclosed.
Definitive applications must be sent by post to the secretary of the association, or to one of the members of the board.
Applications must be received no later than January 6th 2015.
(*) The GMPCA reserves the right to decide upon the number of prizes awarded.