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3rd Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists (VCWAP)

The Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists (VCWAP) is back in March, 2023 with the same objectives: to make the research carried out by early-career women researchers in our disciplines visible, and to reflect on the problems faced by women in science.

The 3rd VCWAP will be held on March 6th, 7th and 8th, 2023 on Zoom, Gather Town and Discord platforms.
You will be able to discover more than 90 contributions (oral communications, posters and paleoartistic reconstructions). On March 7th, the day will end with a round table “Gender issues during fieldwork” with Béline Pasquine (Paye Ta Truelle) and Sara Gamboa (Mujeres con los Pies en la Tierra).

Please find the short programme of the VCWAP here and more information on the AWAP website.

Registration is open to everyone (any gender, academic and non-academic position) and free of charges.

The VCWAP is handled by the Association for early-career Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists (AWAP) since December 2021. To all those who wish to advance toward more parity-based research, you can join and support our association and our actions:

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