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2017 Meeting Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to officially invite you to the 7th annual meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE) in Leiden, The Netherlands. The meeting will take place at the Leiden Stadsgehoorzaal from the 21st-23rd of September, 2017, followed by an exclusive exhibition of the Trinil collection at Pesthuis of the Naturalis Museum on Sunday the 24th of September.
Meeting Registration is now open on our website at http://www.eshe.eu/meetings. If you would like to attend the closing party or excursion, please indicate this on your registration. Please note, conference lunches are included in the meeting price. Online registration closes on 31st of July.
Members of the society receive a discounted rate on meeting registration and may also vote on important decisions regarding the future of the society. To become a member of ESHE, please fill out an application on our website: http://eshe.eu/membership. The deadline to receive membership rates for the meeting is 30th of June. After this date only non-member rates will be available.
At this time we would like to invite those interested in presenting at the meeting to submit abstracts for Podium, Pecha Kucha or Poster presentations. The deadline for abstract submission is Midnight (PST), Wednesday, 26th April. Please note, there are updated submissions guidelines for 2017. For submission guidelines and to upload your abstract, visit http://www.eshe.eu/abstract_submission
We look forward to seeing you all in Leiden in September.
With best regards,
Jean-Jacques Hublin, President
On behalf of the board of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution.