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ARIADNE 2014 Summer School

92591557e86693c5fd9ea672ddd9e25a_normalOrganizer: ISTI-CNR; Venue: Pisa
Period: 23-27 June 2014

Content: The school aims at providing training and hands-on experience on the tools for producing and managing 2D and 3D documentation for archaeological purposes, both for objects and for monuments/sites, including the related visualization tools. The school will provide an introduction to the technologies and tools in the first 2-3 days and a hands-on activity in the remaining ones, organizing the students in small groups. It is expected that each student will bring her/his own research project, so that practice can be made on case studies of direct interest for the students.
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge on the digitization process (3D/2D) and on sampled data processing.

Codice Fiscale: 01322310481 Powered by Webshop – Web Agency Pescara

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