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Congrès Préhistorique de France 2021

Appel à communications – Session I2 L’économie invisible des produits en matériaux recyclables
The 29th edition of the Congrès Préhistorique de France will be held in Toulouse from 31 May to 4 June 2021. Its theme is “Hiatus, gaps and absences: identifying and interpreting archaeological lacks“: Congrès Préhistorique de France 2021

Proposals must be submitted by November 30th 2020 on the dedicated website: Nevertheless, in order to best organize the content of this session, we invite you to inform us of your intention to participate by email directly to the organizers, if possible by specifying (even approximately) the planned topic. Papers can be submitted and presented in French, English or Spanish. If the current context does not encourage you to make commitments several months in advance, we would like to assure you that, even if the health crisis persists, solutions would be found so that the colloquium could still be held at virtually
The organizers of the session “The invisible economy of products made of recyclable materials”.

Pierre-Yves Milcent, Marilou Nordez, Thibaud Poigt

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