Riceviamo e segnaliamo:
The CNRS has an opening for a full-time Post-doctoral Research Associate for a period of 18 months to 24 months on a project aiming at
reconstructing pastoral practices on the northern coast of Peru during the Pre-Hispanic period. The post-doctoral associate will generate life
history records of domestic camelids through stable isotopic analysis of zooarchaeological remains. The post-doc will contribute to the
multidisciplinary project CAMELANDES funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) with partners in France and Peru. The position requires a PhD in Zooarchaeology, South American Archaeology, Bioarchaeology, Biogeochemistry applied to zooarchaeology, archaeology or palaeoecology, or related field.
The post-doc will work closely and under the direction of Dr. Nicolas Goepfert at Archeology of Americas research team in Maison de
lArchéologie et de lEthnologie in Nanterre, and Dr. Elise Dufour in the Archaeozoology and Archaeobotany research team of the Muséum national dHistoire naturelle (MNHN) in Paris.
Applications should be submitted by email as a single pdf to Dr. Nicolas Goepfert (nicolas.goepfert@cnrs.fr) and Dr. Elise Dufour (edufour@mnhn.fr) and include: CV, publication list, statement of research interests, one-page summary of Ph.D. thesis, and a minimum of one letter of recommendation.
Application closing date: 30 April 2016. The post will start on September 1st, 2016.