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L’Europa delle materie prime del I millennio a.C.

45 Convegno Internazionale dell’AFEAF- (Association Française pour l’Etude de l’Age du Fer
Gijon (Spagna), 13-15 maggio 2021
L’Europa delle materie prime del I millennio a.C. Sfruttamento, trasformazione, diffusione
The next international conference of the AFEAF (French Association for the Study of the Iron Age) will take place in Gijón (Asturias, Spain) from 13 to 15 May 2021. Please find enclosed the call for papers in English and Italian.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 30 September 2020.
We would appreciate it if you would respect this date and thus facilitate the processing.
Please send your proposal to the following address:
Each proposal will be submitted to the Scientific Committee of the conference.

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