CeSMAP (Centro Studi e Museo d’Arte Preistorica) is pleased to announce that NeanderART 2018 – International Conference will be held in Turin, Italy, from August, 22 to August 26, 2018, under the Presidency of Prof. Henry de Lumley. The aim of this conference is to stimulate the debate concerning prehistoric art preceding the Upper Palaeolithic and even the advent of Homo sapiens, a topic that is rapidly developing in recent years. In particular, we will investigate the claim concerning the existence of Neandertal’s art, but also the possibility that other species belonging to the family Homo had a symbolic behavior. The debate will surely be enhanced by the recent (2018) discovery of Neandertal cave art in Europe. A Scientific Committee Delegation will be present at the XVIII UISPP International Congress (3 to 9 of June, Paris) in order to anticipate and formalize these new paradigms concerning prehistoric art.
Flyer NeanderART 2018
For what concerns the program, the first three days of the conference (22 to 24 of August) will be dedicated to the presentation of communications and posters, while the remaining two days (25 and 26 of August) will be dedicated to Field trips. Thus, NeanderART 2018 Conference will offer a unique opportunity to meet and exchange scientific knowledge with colleagues working on new archaeological avenues concerning pre-sapiens’ art and symbolic behaviour. This conference will also offer the chance to visit Italy, starting from the futuristic university campus (Luigi Einaudi) where the conference will be held in Turin. Furthermore, the Field Trips planned for the conference participants will offer the rare opportunity to visit two important Neandertal sites in Europe (Fumane and Ciota Ciara) and discuss their interpretation with the specialists studying them.
The three topics framing the NeanderART conference are:
Changes in environment and human adaptations;
Changes in the utilitarian and non-utilitarian productions in two million years of human evolution;
The dawn of art-like productions and behaviours.
The deadline for submitting your proposals (communication and/or poster) is April, 30, 2018. Abstracts must be written in English and not exceed 300 words. By this date it is also possible to register with a good saving of money.
For more information, please visit the official website of NeanderART 2018 International Conference: www.homoneanderthalensis.org/
We would be grateful if you could help us spread this information (the flyer in attach is printable and can be posted on bulletin boards). We look forward to seeing you in Turin, Italy !
Prof. Dario Seglie and Dr. Piero Ricchiardi
CeSMAP – IFRAO-UNESCO Liaison Office,
on behalf of the Organizing Committee