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Notiziario di Preistoria e Protostoria 2015

The Notiziario di Preistoria e Protostoria 2015 (about excavations and discoveries of 2014) is available online

I. Italia settentrionale e peninsulare (pp. 1-34)
NPP 2015, I
NPP 2015, I – low resolution



NPP15_copII II. Sardegna e Sicilia (pp. 35-69)
NPP 2015, II
NPP 2015, II – low resolution



Like the previous bulletin published on paper, the digital version contains synthetic accounts of new research and discoveries in Italy in the field of prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology. The news is reported in geographical order by Region (from north to south) and within the Region in alphabetical order by province and municipality.

The Notiziario can be freely consulted and downloaded from the links below, in either high or low resolution.

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