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Understanding and Accessibility of Pre-and Proto-Historical Research Issues: Sites, Museums and Communication Strategies

By Davide Delfino and Valentino Nizzo (eds.), ISBN: 9781803270784, 94 pp, Paperback, £26.00, Archaeopress Archaeology, Sept. 2021

The volume presents the papers from Session XXXV-1 of the 18th UISPP World Congress (Paris, June 2018). Museums are increasingly seen as the place where scientific research and heritage education meet, rather than being simply a location for exhibitions. The eight contributions from Italy, the United Kingdom, Senegal, Spain and the Netherlands address the following related issues: the mediation of language from research usage to public usage, making the museum visit an educational experience, universal accessibility, involvement of the local community in the management of the sites and museums, use of media and new technology to bring scientific content to the public.

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