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XXVI Valcamonica Symposium 2015

vcs2015Prospettive sulla ricerca dell’arte preistorica a 50 anni dalla fondazione del Centro Camuno
Capo di Ponte (Valcamonica, Italia)
9-12 settembre 2015

After fifty years, the “Centro Camuno” is starting a new phase with a new scientific council and a series of new projects and partnerships. The “Valcamonica Symposium” has a long history going back to 1968 when one of the first rock-art events took place in Boario Terme; see the proceedings of that congress online
Ever since these meetings began, they were small one-room events where the dialogue and relaxed atmosphere has always been praised. The international participation with colleagues presenting works and studies from around the world gave it global significance.
Send proposals with title and abstract by 15th April (in English, Italian or Portuguese)
For more details, see (in English) (in Italian)
info: Centro camuno di Studi Preistorici – tel +39 0364 42091

Codice Fiscale: 01322310481 Powered by Webshop – Web Agency Pescara

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