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49th Annual Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society


49th Annual Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society
in cooperation with the
Museo tridentino di scienze naturali Trento (Italy)

10th – 14th of April, 2007

Registration Form

Dear colleagues!
The Hugo Obermaier Society is named after the German scientist Hugo Obermaier, one of the major researchers of the European Palaeolithic in the early 20th century. For more than 50 years the society has promoted interdisciplinary Ice Age and Early Holocene research. At our annual meetings are presented new results of various Quaternary disciplines such as archaeology, archaeozoology, archaeobotany and the geosciences. Our members come from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and further neighbouring countries. The meetings are held at different locations every year.
Over the last several years major research progress has been made by our colleagues from Northern Italy; for example, the highly interesting discoveries at the Late Palaeolithic site of Abri Dalmeri have also been noticed in Central Europe. Because Central European colleagues would be interested in gaining a deeper insight and first hand information on such new research, the Hugo Obermaier Society has looked for a partner with whom to collaborate in Italy. We are very grateful to Dr. Michele Lanzinger and Dr. Giampaolo Dalmeri for inviting us to Trento to hold our annual meeting from 10th to 14th of April 2007 in close cooperation with the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. We would like to invite you to participate in this meeting and contribute to a fruitful dialogue across the Alps.

The congress will take place in the Museo Tridentino. In the first three days there will be lectures. After the meeting we will hold two excursions (Friday / Saturday, 13th and 14th of April), organised with partners from various institutions. We would like to thank all colleagues and institutions for support in the organisation of the meeting and the excursions. Enclosed you will find the preliminary program for the congress and the excursions.

The congress will provide an excellent opportunity for the exchange of information on new research from Italy and Central Europe. We are therefore going to prepare a program with a number of general lectures presenting the state of research in specific fields or time slices. Furthermore the Late Palaeolithic to Early Holocene research of the Museo Tridentino and related subjects from South and North of the Alps will also be presented. Because of the special character of the meeting the general language will be English; where necessary the Italian and German languages will also be accepted. Because of the large number of participants from various countries and the limited time, a special program for Italian subjects is prepared and the Museo Tridentino has therefore invited some speakers to present lectures.. Colleagues who would like to present additional information and research are invited to present poster presentations.

Those who will present a report or poster, please inform Dr. G. Dalmeri (

and send the English abstract (MS-Word) before the 15th of January to

All participants are required to send their registrations until the 15th of January to:

Dr. Giampaolo Dalmeri (c/o Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali).

The conference fee will be 40 € (including a book of abstracts and the costs of coffee breaks). Participation in the two excursions costs another 20 € each (see registration form).

Italian participants may pay all fees during the registration at the beginning of the conference (no bank transfer required).

More detailed information on the conference and the program will be sent to registered participants in February 2007. You can find more information about the society in the internet. Please have a look at:

The society edits the well known journal QUARTÄR. The journal has recently been relaunched and we invite colleagues to send mansucripts to the new editorial board. For information please have also a look on our website

We would be happy if you could participate and look forward to seeing you in Trento.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Ludwig Reisch

(President of the Hugo Obermaier Society)

P.S.: If there are any questions concerning the congress do not hesitate to contact Dr. Giampaolo Dalmeri (, Dr. Leif Steguweit ( or

Dr. Thomas Terberger (

Preliminary program

Place of the congress: Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali

Palazzo Sardagna – Via Calepina 14, Trento


Tuesday, April 10th

12:00 Registration

02:00 pm Opening by Dr. Michele Lanzinger, Head of the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali and by the President of the Hugo Obermaier Society, Prof. Dr. Ludwig Reisch

02:30 – 06:00 pm Reports (Coffee break 15:45 – 16:15)

06:30 pm Official Reception

Wednesday, April 11th

08:30 – 12:00 Session on the Upper and Late Palaeolithic

(Coffee break 09:45 – 10:15)

01:30 – 6:00 pm Excursion I: Archaeological Museum Bozen

à transfer by train, please fill in the registration form

from 7:00 pm Conference dinner in a restaurant (centre of Trento)

à please fill in the registration form

Thursday, April 12th

08:30 – 12:00 Session on Upper and Late Palaeolithic
(Coffee break 9:45 – 10:15; lunch 12.00 – 1:30 pm)

1:30 – 3:30 pm Reports and poster session (Coffee break 3:30 – 4:00 pm)

from 4:00 pm Closed Meeting for Society members

8:00 pm Public lecture by Dr. Marco Peresani

Friday, April 13th Excursion II: Grotta di Fumane and Riparo Tagliente (near Verona) (ca 8:30 am – 6:00 pm)

Prof. Alberto Broglio, Dr. Marco Peresani, Dr. Mirco De Stefani, Dr. Fabio Gurioli, Dr. Stefano Bertola, Dr. Sara Ziggiotti (Grotta di Fumane) and Prof. Antonio Guerreschi, Dr. Federica Fontana (Riparo Tagliente)

à please fill in the registration form

Saturday, April 14th Excursion III: Museo delle Palafitte di Ledro and Museo Civico di Riva del Garda
(ca 8:30 am – 6:00 pm)

Dott.ssa Romana Scandolari (Museo delle Palafitte di Ledro) Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Trento (Museo Civico di Riva)

à please fill in the registration form

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