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“Arts and Surfaces”


La ventunesima edizione del congresso Surface Modification Technologies (SMT 21)
si terrà a Parigi il 24-26 settembre 2007
e comprende nuovamente una sessione su “Arts and Surfaces”.
La scadenza per la consegna dei riassunti è il 5 marzo 2007

Conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT 21),
Session on “Arts and Surfaces”
The 21st edition of the Conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT 21) will be held in Paris, 24-26 September 2007 with a session on “Arts and Surfaces”.
The purpose is to provide an interactive forum for a multidisciplinary discussion on the science and technology of surface-related phenomena for all artistic and archaeological materials.
The proceedings of the previous session on “Arts and Surfaces”, held in Dijon in 2004, have been published in a double special number of the review “Surface Engineering”.
For the contents see:

The session on “Arts and Surfaces” will be scientifically coordinated by Dr Alessandra Giumlia-Mair.
Contact for details on this session :
The deadline for receiving abstracts is 5 March 2007.

You are kindly invited to contribute
For more information on the SMT21 Conference see the website:

Congrès Scientifiques Services (C2S)
2 rue des Villarmains
92210 – SAINT-CLOUD (France)
tél : 33 (0)1 47 71 90 04 – Portable : 06 67 64 19 17
Fax : 33 (0)1 47 71 90 05
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