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Bronze Age Funerary Landscapes


Conference :
Herne (Germany, Westphalia) 15 – 18 october, 2008

L´Association pour la Promotion des Recherches sur l´Age du Bronze (APRAB) and the LWL-Archäologie für Westfalen are organizing an international conference on “Bronze Age Funerary Landscapes” which will be held at the LWL-Museum für Archäologie in Herne (Germany, Westphalia) from the 15th -18th October 2008. INFO

50 papers (communications and posters) will cover subjects as varied as the detailed analyses of funerary landscapes using geographic information systems (GIS), the internal organisation of cemeteries and the continuity or discontinuity in time and space of funerary landscapes (“sacred landscape”?). Over 75 speakers will present their research covering a vast geographic area spanning from the Atlantic Ocean to the Urals.

The official languages for the conference are French and German (English is accepted).
Submission fees: 50 €.
For more information please contact: ou
Contact: Hotline: (49) 1520 935 9005

Exhibition :

Germany, Herne
“Bronze Age Westphalia”

In parallel to the APRAB + LWL-AfW conference on “Bronze Age funerary Landscapes”: Hundreds of objects illustrating research on Westphalia during the Bronze Age.
For one month only!
October 15th to November 15th , 2008.
LWL-Museum für Archäologie, Europaplatz 1, D-44623 Herne tel. (49) 1520 935 9005 or (49) 2323 946.280.

Key of illustration :

8th century BC bronze amphora decorated with solar boats. It was used as a funerary urn and buried in Gevelinghausen in a deserted area of Southern

Westphalia.(Photo: LWL / S. Brentführer)

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