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Digital Heritage 2013 – call for papers

DIGITAL HERITAGE 2013 International Congress
27 October – 1 November 2013
Marseille, France

Organized by CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) on behalf of the MAP Laboratory, in collaboration with other local research organisms (Aix-Marseille University, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CICRP, School of Architecture and INRIA), the Congress will be held in Marseille,  France, the 2013 European Capital of Culture.

The Congress covers heritage in all its forms, focusing around 5 heritage themes:
– Built Heritage (sites to cities, towns and cultural landscapes, ie World Heritage)
– Culture & Traditions (folklife to languages, song, dance, craft… ie Intangible Heritage)
– Museums & Collections (movable objects and their museums, ie Movable Heritage)
– Libraries & Archives (books to maps, manuscripts, …, ie Documentary Heritage)
– Art & Creativity (digital / new media art to creative digital  and online culture)

Key Deadlines:
June 9: Abstracts (mandatory for all papers);
June 16: Full Papers, Short Papers (notification July 28);
July 28: Exhibits proposals due (notification Sept 1);
August 4: Opening of Early Registration;
Sept 15: Final Camera Ready.

All paper submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least 3 referees from the Intl Scientific Committee.


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