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EAA Istambul 2014 Conference


The 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists will be held in Istanbul, Turkey on September 10-14, 2014.
The call for proposing Sessions and Round Tables for the Meeting is now open and will terminate on November 11, 2013.  Session and Round Table proposal must be made electronically at
Proposals can be made by at least two EAA members with affiliations in two different countries. Please note that only EAA members who have covered their membership fees for 2014 are allowed to propose and organize a Session.
The following six themes define the framework of the Istanbul 2014 EAA Annual Meeting:
1) Connecting seas – across the borders
2) Managing archaeological heritage: past and present
3) Ancient technologies in social context
4) Environment and subsistence: the geosphere, ecosphere and human interaction
5) Times of change: collapse and transformative impulses
6) Retrieving and interpreting the archaeological record
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