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Evolutionary ecology and extinct species – PhD student advert

School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin

“Evolutionary ecology and extinct species: how do fossils change our interpretations of present-day biodiversity patterns?”

The taxonomic focus will be primates. The project will be supervised by Dr. Natalie Cooper at the School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin. Full funding is provided for a 3 year PhD student ship (€16,000 per annum plus fees). There are no limitations on student nationality.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae detailing their qualifications and experience and containing the names and contact details of at least two referees, together with a covering letter explaining why they wish to pursue this project. Please direct any enquiries about the research to Dr. Natalie Cooper (

Applications to be received electronically or as hard copy to Fiona Maloney ( on or before 15th July 2012.

Evolutionary ecology and extinct species_PhD

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