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International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era

Special Issue on GIS in Cultural Heritage documentation
Deadline for the paper submission: September 30, 2013

The Edition is aimed to be a milestone in research and innovation in this particular area, therefore the special issue will focus on following items:
– History of study and state of the art of GIS in archaeology and cultural heritage documentation;
– GIS basics applied to in archaeology and cultural heritage documentation;
– Geomatics basic in archaeology and cultural heritage documentation;
– GIS and spatial analysis in archaeology and cultural heritage;
– GIS in landscape archaeology: basics and case studies;
– GIS in archaeological excavation: basics and case studies;
– GIS for development led-archaeology;
– From desktop GIS to WEBGIS;
– From WEBGIS to SDI: towards National, European and World geographic data base in archaeology and cultural heritage;
– The next generation: 3D and 4D GIS.

A double blind review system will be applied. Authors will be notified of the review results and asked to provide the camera-ready manuscripts by the end of October. The final issue will be published in November 2013.

Max. number of pages: 12, including images (600 dpi)
Submission system:
More information about the journal:

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