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Prehistoric and Protohistoric Cyprus


Prehistoric and Protohistoric Cyprus : Identity, Insularity, and Connectivity
A. Bernard Knapp. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. – 497 p., ill., 24 cm
Cipro per secoli ha tenuto una posizione strategica nel mondo mediterraneo. Nelle ultime tre decadi una straordinaria quantità di nuove informazioni provenienti da scavi archeologici e ricerche sull’isola è stata messa a disposizione di storici e archeologi. Il periodo trattato da Knapp copre un arco temporale compreso tra l’Età del Bronzo e la prima età del Ferro e lo studio dell’Autore si focalizza soprattutto sull’identità sociale degli abitanti dell’isola.

A. Bernard Knapp presents a new island archaeology and island history of Bronze Age and early Iron Age Cyprus, set in its Mediterranean context. Drawing out tensions between different ways of thinking about islands, and how they are connected or isolated from surrounding islands and mainlands, Knapp addresses an under-studied but dynamic new field of archaeological enquiry – the social identity of prehistoric and protohistoric Mediterranean islanders. In treating issues such as ethnicity, migration, and hybridization, he provides an up-to-date theoretical analysis of a wide range of relevant archaeological data. In using historical documents to re-present the Cypriot past, he also offers an integrated archaeological and socio-historical synthesis of insularity and social identity on the Mediterranean’s third largest island (dalla quarta di copertina).

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